Friday, April 30, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Toddler Conversation

This is a conversation Kevin had Thursday with his favorite cousin Anthony.

Anthony: "I be da Dad and you An-tony"
Kevin: "No, you Antony"
Anthony: "No Kevin, I'n da Dad and You An-tony"
Kevin: "No, You Antony"
Anthony: "No, Kevin you Antony, I be da Dad"
Kevin" "No YOU Antony, I'n Kevin"

As you can tell this conversation wasn't the most productive one. The best part is that they were both perfectly happy even though neither one understood the other. Oh the joys of Toddlers trying to communicate.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Katie is 6 months old

Katie Bug is 6 months old today!!! I can't believe how fast time seems to fly, but I am so in LOVE with her at this stage.

What Katie is up to at this stage of her little life...
She gets anywhere she wants to just by rolling and shifting her body from side to side.
She is LAUGHING all the time, I mean I thought Kevin was a happy baby, but this girl is always smiling (except of course when Mom is not in the room)
She is a major Mamas girl, but she is smitten with Daddy and fascinated by Kevin.
Her smile is contagious
She can sit up for about 3 seconds (she could do it, but is just so dang chill that she doesn't really give it a try)
She is really good with her hands and we often call her Miss Grabby Grabberson
She HATES rice cereal, in fact she pretty much gags on it throughout the whole process, but the Dr. said I have to give it to her 3 times a day because she is only in the 5th percentile (don't freak out... he says that a lot of breastfed babies do this)
She coos and does this thing with her mouth where she kind of blows the air out over and over.
And finally she is our little thumb sucking side sleeper and she sleeps all night.

I seriously can't get enough of her.