Our Happy Boy turned 6 months old yesterday. Luke Harley Endsley
You started sitting up about 4 days ago. You are still a little wobbly and still fall over a ton...
We love your chunky cheeks!!
You have the bluest eyes and your head is PERFECTLY round with blondey blonde hair. Everyone comments on how bald you are but I get to look at you closely when I feed you and I know you DO have hair, it's just super light. This picture proves you have some... even if it is wispy.
You have a little cough right now but it is getting better every day with the help of our herbs and oils!!
You smile all day long... but when you see Mommy you give us these kind of grins. I can't help but feel so so special that you love me so much. Let's hope that never changes.
Your big brother Kevin used to do this curly thing with his tongue too. His 6 month pictures are full shots like this. You guys look a lot alike. You love him so much and smile almost as big when you see him as you do when you see Mom.
You LOVE your blankets. Out of all my babies you are the one who puts your hands in your mouth the most. You'll wrap your hands in your blanket and stick it right into your mouth. When I get you out of your bed your blanket is usually soaked from you chewing on it. I have to lay it out to dry for your next nap.
Look at your eyebrows!! All of our children have had these eyebrows that are so telling. We know exactly what your thinking cuz of those things. Some people used to say you are just so serious all the time... then they see you smile and love the contrast!!
Some other stats:
You roll over both ways and scoot all over the place.
You can pretty much get anywhere you want within a 2 feet radius.
We have to make sure there are no small things on the ground cuz you are super interested in putting them in your mouth. Your hand eye coordination is good enough to accomplish the task as well.
You eat all sorts of solid foods now though I think carrots are your favorite. You are a good little eater too, you open your mouth when I say to and you swallow it great. Although you do try to put your fingers in your mouth CONSTANTLY so you sure do get messy.
You sleep at least 10 hours straight but I have coddled you a little bit so you are still used to that late night feeding at 9 or 10. Stinky!! I will get you off that though.
You make all sorts of noises and laugh all the time.
You are by far my easiest baby. I love you!!
Love Mommy
Lemon Pull Apart Rolls
2 days ago
1 comment:
This cant be right.. I am so sad that I have yet to meet him and he is already getting so big :-( We miss you guys...
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