I can hardly believe that 10 months ago I had this cute little bundle of joy. He has brought us so much brightness and honestly hope that it's indescribable. He is so happy and so wonderful. The kids both love him to death and are always helping me with him. Some of the things that Luke does at 10 months old are...
He crawls around so fast in fact he has a specific way of crawling to get around even faster than normal crawling. He puts 1 foot on the ground and the other knee on the ground and pushes himself with his foot. It looks kind of funny but it is so efficient. The other day had a snack in one hand and was trying to crawl at the same time so he looked like he was crawling on just one hand and one knee with his foot pushing him around while he held his snack up in the air.
He just learned how to clap and will do it on command. All you have to say is Luke clap and he will do it and gets this huge grin on his face. We were sustaining callings in our ward and he kept raising his hands to do it with us. He raises his hands for excitement as well to say "Yeah" and he scrunches up his nose and shows his teeth in a funny little grin.
One of the other things that Adam and I both love about Luke is how excited he gets about things. He shakes his little legs and kicks them as if he is too excited to contain it all. He is pretty patient as he is the third in our family but when he does gets impatient he screams at us with the low groan or a high squeal. He does this most often when he is hungry or when he wants you to pick him up. Sometimes this can be rather annoying but for the most part he's pretty patient.
He pulls himself up on everything and in the last two weeks or so has started to forget to hold on while he stands up. Which means this little boy is going to be walking way faster than I'm ready.
His regular schedule is that he wakes up around seven or eight I give him a bottle and feed him some food. He eats my baby food that I make for him and usually has a whole bowlful. This boy loves to eat the other day I was doing hair and he was off his schedule a little bit so my client had to hold him quite a bit (which was fine for her she loved it). So because he was off his schedule he happened to be awake for part of my next client. I put him in his highchair and gave him some pretzels and I didn't hear a sound out of him for the longest time probably 30 to 45 minutes, he was so happy with his pretzels. So now the trick is if he is cranky and we can't hold him then we give him pretzels and then he's super content.
So after I feed him food in the morning he plays until about 10 and then he takes about an hour and a half to two hour nap and we get some things done around the house. Usually when I put him down I turn the fan on high give him his blanket which he loves and i when i lay him down almost immediately he will turn over and sit up and cry just a tiny bit. He never cries really long unless he's not really ready for a nap. He sleeps sound and long and sometimes has gone three hours for a nap. When he wakes up we do the whole bottle routine again with some baby food which again he eats a very large serving of, then he plays with the kids cause they love him and around two or three he goes back down for another nap which usually lasts till dinnertime (right about the time I'm sitting down to eat). When I was nursing that was hard because he wanted to eat right when I was wanting to eat with the family, so I would have to serve my family and then feed him before I could eat my dinner or if I was really coordinated, while I was eating my dinner.
He weaned himself off nursing a week or two after New Year's. I was not ready and was very very sad. Still when I think of it tears come to my eyes because I wasn't ready to lose that closeness with him. But I guess that's what happens when you give them lots of bottles.
I still want to enjoy every moment of this little guy. He is so yummy. I cannot describe what I feel for him. Thank Goodness we have him!!
Lemon Pull Apart Rolls
2 days ago
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