Monday, August 12, 2013

Kevin's First Day of School

Today was Kevin's very first day of Kindergarten. It all went smoothly. We both woke up early and had peaceful unrushed morning. I was able to take some before school pictures to document the occasion.

 We were able to watch a couple of church stories before he left too. Adam gave a father's blessing on Sunday night and it was so sweet. He told him that the Lord would bless him to choose the right and stand up for good things. He aslo blessed him to learn the things his mind needs to know and to be confident and happy at school. I believe it was an inspiration to bless him with those things. I am so excited for him.
We picked Beckam Davis up because his Mom and I are carpooling. He is going to a Montessori school on Lindsay and Southern so it is a little bit of drive but not too bad. 

When he got home from school he was silly. He was hot so he took his shirt off (which he never does) and just lay on the couch. We had to pry him for information but you could tell he had a fun day and liked it. I asked him if he missed Mom and Dad throughout the day and he said he did. He liked his teacher and he made a friend although everytime we asked him what his friends name was he said "I don't know" so then Adam would tease him and say "His name is, Idon'tknow, that's weird!!"
All in all I think he likes school. I am really happy about where he is going and feel like it will serve him well. I miss him throughout the day but I know that he is in the best place for his almost 6 year old mind and he is going to grow so much in the next year. I love this kid and only want the best for him. 

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