SO today is my birthday. I must say that it feels a bit different being a mother on my birthday. I find myself so focused on Kevin and what he needs, that several times today I have actually forgotten that it was my birthday.
Being a mother really does change you in ways that you never before could have imagined. I used to be the BIGGEST Birthday GURU, like Jane in "27 Dresses" was with weddings, so was I with anyone's birthday. Whatever you wanted on your day you would get. But now I am as chill as can be.
But even though birthdays don't have the same importance to me as they once had, I find that life still goes on. Yes indeed it does. I find that the most important things in life are not the tiny passing moments in themselves, but all of them collected together are what make one happy.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Happy 26th Birthday to me!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Good Times at the Carnival
We went to the Carnival on Thursday night when all the tickets for the rides were only a dollar a piece instead of 3 or 4. So we made the "Fun Slide" a family affair. I thought Kevin would have some kind of reaction to speeding down the slide... but he pretty much didn't. Adam LOVES cotton Candy... can you tell. This is the first of 4 "excited about the Cotton Candy" pictures, so when they were all turning out a little Creepy I told him to make a normal face.
As you can tell from the following annoyed expression, he doesn't like it when I keep taking the same picture over and over in order to get just the right shot.
How to play this game of tag. Post these rules on your blog. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
3 JOYS: Kevin's vampire smile, Adam's crooked smile and sense of humor, and spending time with our families.
3 FEARS: Being stuck in this 2 bedroom apartment for the rest of our lives, never loosing the baby wieght, and falling down the stairs.
3 current obsessions/collections: BLOGGING(I'm addicted), Gilmore Girls, and paint samples, home decor, ksl classifieds home furniture for our maybe new house (waiting to hear back about an offer)
3 random surprising facts about myself: I can't go more than 3 weeks without giving myself a pedicure with a bright new shade of RED (I actually have pink on right now and I cannot stand it), no matter how hard I think I have tried I always find a way to make my side of the room a complete disaster, and I still have dreams in German.
I have now tagged Tiersa, Megan, Jessica Foley, Janell, and Katie
"FOOD LADY" is #1
Here I am on Saturday morning at 8:30. I had full intentions of feeding Kevin and then putting us both straight back to bed when he woke at 7:30, but plans changed when I looked at my adorable smiling baby. I know it sounds crazy to anyone who is not a mother, but when I don't see his smile or hear his laugh for longer than 2 hours... I desperatly miss him. I still get jelous when someone else holds him, and I secretly really enjoy his mama's boy stage. He LOVES me. I know that won't last forever so I am trying to enjoy every moment of it.
Adam was watching him the other night while I worked and Mandy (Adam's sister) came to visit, and Kevin only wanted Daddy. Adam said it made him feel kinda good knowing he was 2nd favorite. My opinion is that I am only first favorite because I'm "FOOD LADY" as Adam has dubbed me. Well I have to say that I don't mind too much even if it is hard to get things done.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Our little Dracula
Kevin loves CARROTS
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I am so happy... There are more than a few reasons why I have a smile on my face throughout the day. I feel I need to express my joy and thanks to my Father in Heaven, and as a result I will write down my feelings.
#1 I have peace in my life knowing God's Plan of Happiness and my purpose here on earth.
#2 Look at my family... no explanation needed espesially if you know my wonderful husband and son.
#3 I cut hair for a living... um to me there needn't be an explanation, yet for your sake I will tell you why to me this is a blessing. Um for one I get to talk to my friends all day long, second I get my creative juices flowing and I am good at what I do. And third when people leave they are BEAUTIFUL, HAPPY and ECXITED... and I helped with that.
#4 I have WONDERFUL friends who have a vision of what they want to become and are excited about life and it's potential. They are selfless and SO MUCH FUN... I mean who can beat Game Night with us CRAZIES... NO ONE.
#5 I have an amazing extended Family with parents and in-laws to die for... literally.
Wouldn't you feel blessed too!!!