WE BOUGHT A CAR... now before you all get to excited... it is not, by any means our DREAM car. But we definitely willed and dealed to get ourselves this BEAUTY.
We never EVER thought we would say this but we bought our car from STEPHEN WADE AUTO. Originally priced at $8995 we kinda stole it for $5500.
This is the car Adam will be driving around once we get the SUV that we want. It has been a pain in the butt living two weeks without a car of our own. Also the more and more we drive this car the more and more we like it. It is reliable and has quite a bit of power to it with it's V-6 engine. We really couldn't have asked for much more, besides maybe wanting something that was a little more appealing on the outside, but who buys a car just because it looks good on the outside... Speaking of things that look good... did I mention that the car has "NICE WOOD TRIM" inside. Okay this has become a HUGE inside joke now so I will have to see if I can explain good enough to do it justice.
Our car salesman was James, from Arkansas who acts as if he has never sold a car before in his life. Even though we told him we didn't want an American made car he just kept showing them to us. So we finally find this Sonata and we test drive it and he keeps talking the car up like it is the nicest car he has ever laid eyes on and how he can't believe that it is only 7 grand especially with the NICE wood trim inside. Then at least two or three other times that night when he would be walking by or something "casually" slip in that the wood trim is just so nice. So by the end of the night when we told them that we weren't going to sign anything that night unless is was knocked down to like 5500, he acted COMPLETELY BAFFLED I'm sure he was thinking "but it's got such nice wood trim". So as we are walking away (because we were told that $6995 was the best they could do and we said NO) he walks us out to our car and says on the way "Well jeez you better get back in here soon and grab this deal cuz it's not going to last especially over the weekend, I mean it's a steal at that price " Well what he was really saying was "I am trying to pressure you into buying this car right now because you don't currently have one and this is a prime opportunity to swindle you into an okay deal, because I WANT THE COMMISSION, and I am pretty sure if you don't buy it at this price then no one else will either and that sucks for me."
So we walked away feeling pretty good about not buying it, I mean it wasn't the right deal for us and we personally don't even like the fancy wood trim, in fact if anything that should have marked the price down even more.
They called us the next morning to offer it to us for $5500, so in the end it worked out very well for us even though James about peed his pants with intimidation when Kris my brother in law (who is a car dealer) showed up to test drive it.
I just hope he was able to guess by then that we were NOT buying the car just for the "FANCY wood trim".
Brown Sugar Pavlova
2 days ago
Hey, for the record, a Hyundai Sonata is my dream car. (I try to keep my dreams withing the realms of possibility). Love the car.
Glad you found some wheels with fancy wood trim, for a good deal! Have a great week!
Thats a funny story! I will have to remember the "nice wood trim" next time I see it. LOL
If ONLY it had nice wood trim on the outside too!!!! (You know like those old station wagons and minivans!)
Hey guys, I'm from Arkansas... Wood Trim means you've hit the BIG TIME! I'm still getting used to all these fandangled features like power windows and that hole they put in the roof to throw out the road-kill. Hope you are enjoying your new Hyundai and best wishes to you and your family. It was a pleasure to be your salesperson. Did I mention a referral fee to all the bloggers on here? Plus, March is our special Wood Trim Madness Sale!
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